
Save the Date and join us to celebrate cancer survivors and their journey to reclaim their health. How can you help? share this post invite your friends donate an item to the silent auction donate a bottle of alcohol/wine for...
In partnership with the Muskegon Area Intermediate School District (MAISD), the Muskegon YMCA has begun to offer their Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) for participants with diverse learning abilities. Kelli DeLong, Healthy Living Director and Lifestyle Coach at the Muskegon Y,...
August 27 marked the Muskegon YMCA’s final Food Distribution Friday for 2021. The government funded program moved back to schools as students are primarily attending school in person this year. The Muskegon YMCA served an average of 1,000 meals per...
Filling stomachs and spreading smiles. Food distribution is so much more than filling the gap of food insecurity. It’s volunteers, it’s smiles on people’s faces, it’s thankful participants, and gracious vendors. 300 Farm to Family Food boxes made it into...
These ladies met each other in a small town in Minnesota. They quickly became best friends, spending hours on the phone together, even though they only lived half a mile from each other – this was before cell phones. Holidays...
Have you met Stephanie? You should. She was in our very first Livestrong with the YMCA Cancer survivor class. With her mom. Yes, that is correct, they both fought cancer, and both beat it. For a time. Stephanie’s mom, Sharon,...
8,000 cancer survivors in Muskegon have the opportunity to reclaim their health through the Livestrong with the YMCA post-cancer survivor program. The YMCA of the USA partnered with the Livestrong foundation to develop an evidence based physical activity program for...
Food Distribution Friday reached a monumental milestone on Friday, January 22. The Muskegon YMCA distributed its 100,000 meal, helping meet the needs of families across Muskegon County. Food insecurity is real and has been greatly heightened due to the pandemic....
COVID has been in the news for months, reminding us of a changed world in which we reside. The pandemic has changed our social gatherings, schools, activities, jobs and so much more. As time continues, we may continue to discover...
Local school districts had to quickly determine a way to feed their students when the pandemic sent everyone home in March. A program through the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) known as the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) immediately...