
Have you met Stephanie? You should. She was in our very first Livestrong with the YMCA Cancer survivor class. With her mom. Yes, that is correct, they both fought cancer, and both beat it. For a time. Stephanie’s mom, Sharon,...
8,000 cancer survivors in Muskegon have the opportunity to reclaim their health through the Livestrong with the YMCA post-cancer survivor program. The YMCA of the USA partnered with the Livestrong foundation to develop an evidence based physical activity program for...
Food Distribution Friday reached a monumental milestone on Friday, January 22. The Muskegon YMCA distributed its 100,000 meal, helping meet the needs of families across Muskegon County. Food insecurity is real and has been greatly heightened due to the pandemic....
COVID has been in the news for months, reminding us of a changed world in which we reside. The pandemic has changed our social gatherings, schools, activities, jobs and so much more. As time continues, we may continue to discover...
Local school districts had to quickly determine a way to feed their students when the pandemic sent everyone home in March. A program through the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) known as the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) immediately...
Are you as healthy as you want to be? Let us help you reach your goals. Take this quiz to see if you qualify for our free, year-long, get healthy program. Over 30% of Muskegon county residents are pre-diabetic, and...
Healthy Out of School Time ( HOST) When COVID-19 sent kids home from school, the Muskegon YMCA went into action. Healthy Living Tips were shared daily and can still be found here. Each day, these helpful hints were given to...
Our Veggie Van team, decided the space outside our 3rd Street office would make a great place for a community garden. With the go-ahead from the City of Muskegon in early June, our fearless team spent several days getting the...
No one wants to hear the devastating three words, ā€˜Youā€™ve got cancerā€™. But for participants in the Muskegon YMCA Livestrong program, those words were the beginning of a beautiful journey.  Each personā€™s cancer story has different twists and turns, but...
The YMCA Veggie Van has put on the miles these last 6 months. From Coopersville to Holland to Whitehall you may have seen the bright, delicious fruit decaled vehicle make its way to a stop near you. For three months,...