(231) 722-9622
1115 Third Street, Muskegon, MI 49441

Posts filed under: News

We’re at the Central Fire Station teaching healthy cooking as part of the YMCA’s Wellness Program designed for City of Muskegon employees....
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All over the World! -through our recent financial contribution to YMCA World Service....
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Joining withĀ Hackley Community CareĀ to celebrate their 25 years of service!...
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We’re active with kids in Hackley Park and making healthy snacks together with our program partner Lakeshore Museum Center....
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With over 400 kids registered in the first three days of the YMCA’s Summer Rec Program, we are active inside when it’s raining and active outside when it isn’t!...
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Supporting the Rotary Mixer at Mona Lake Park!...
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Working with other community leaders developing a great 2017 Seaway Run including a new downtown location for the start and finish lines....
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WHO:Ā You! OR you and a friend WHAT: A fun Breakfast Benefit catered by Ryke’s Help Build a Healthy Future for Muskegon.Ā  Join us at the new 18th Amendment to support programs provided exclusively by the Muskegon YMCA including water safety...
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Working with Senator Geoff Hansen,Ā Representative Holly Hughes, andĀ Representative Terry Sabo to Build a HealthyĀ Future for Muskegon’s youth and adults!...
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We need your help Building a Healthy Future for Muskegon. Join us at the new 18th Amendment Spirits Co. to support programs provided exclusively by the Muskegon YMCA including water safety for kids, nutrition education, and LIVESTRONGĀ® with the YMCA...
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